Thursday, July 17, 2008

Seven Vital Signs of a Healthy Church

What is a healthy church? That’s a critical question for which all of my church friends seem to be trying to answer. For my business-minded, chart loving friends the answer to this question is a growth equation: new members + more money + better facilities = a healthy church. My post-modern, flip-flops and t-shirt wearing friends often give a soulful answer saying a healthy church can’t be defined, only experienced in a community of authentic discipleship. My white shirt, navy suit, traditional friends often define a healthy church by belief in the inerrancy of Scripture, sound doctrine, missions, and evangelism. And my purpose driven Hawaiian shirt and horn-rimmed glasses wearing friends might define it as balanced approach to missions, evangelism, discipleship, worship, and fellowship. So with all of these varying thoughts on the matter, I thought why don’t I take a shot at defining a healthy church as well. Hence, with no further ado, here are Lash’s ...

Seven Vital Signs of a Healthy Church

High Sense of Purpose—A church must know its reason for existence and have a clear process for biblically leading people from spiritual lostness to spiritual maturity.

Effective Evangelism—A church must see its community as a mission field and develop ways to contextually communicate the gospel to the people living in the community.

Acceptance of Change—A church must be creative, understanding the changing needs of people and meeting people at their point of need.

Leadership that Empowers—Church leaders must be servant leaders helping others identify spiritual gifts and empowering them to use these gifts in ministry.

Transforming Worship—True worship brings glory to God and leads to change. Each time the church gathers for worship the primary goal is to encounter God and His truth which leads to transformed lives.

Help with Life—A healthy sense of community is built through healthy, caring relationships. Church leaders must be consumed with leading people to live out Jesus’ Great Commandment: to love one another.

Yes to God—Healthy churches diligently seek God’s answers and direction through faithful prayer and study of His Word always bending our will and our beliefs to God’s.

Dr. Lash Banks, DoM
Grayson Baptist Association
Sherman, Texas

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