Monday, June 16, 2008

Having an Entrepreneurial Spirit

One of the four suggested competencies for Directors of Missions is to be entrepreneurial. Pastors in my churches challenge me on almost every subject, "Where does it say that in the Bible?" One can find the need to be entrepreneurial is found in the parable of the talents.

Since I have been a DOM since September 2005, I have watched four churches close in my association. The spirit of maintenance had set in and every pastor of those churches said to me, "I don't know what to do." Although the circumstances differed for each church, one things was true, the pastor had run out of vision and ideas.

On the other hand, I have also worked with two church planters who have seen tremendous growth in their people and their numbers. They have a deep trust in God which also results in plenty of creative ideas. Both of them are entrepreneurs at heart with business backgrounds.

It is my firm belief that we need to become entrepreneurs as DOMs and to ask our pastors to be entrepreneurial. Most of us have far more resources than we are currently using. One good example is the use of our computers. Our computers are designed to do a lot more than just use it for e-mail and Facebook.

An entrepreneur takes advantage of his resources and mobilizes them to his advantage. I have found that a DOM is usually matching up needs with resources. Pray that the Lord would help us to take advantage of all the resources at our disposal. Please be sure to read about what it means to be an entrepreneur on the web site.

Mark Millman, DoM
Central Baptist Association

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