Friday, July 4, 2008

Livestock 4 Missions

One cow + one rancher = an interesting way to fund missionaries. Three years ago in the Western Kansas Baptist Association, Director of Missions Randy Caddell and missionary Tim Huffman came up with a business model where cows could help fulfill the Great Commission. They call it Livestock 4 Missions (L4M), and the results have been moooving to say the least.

Here’s how:
A Sunday School class, a church, or individual buys a mother cow. Randy finds a rancher willing to care for her. As she calves (gives birth), they’re sold and the money is used for missions. When the "mama cow" is sold at auction (after about seven years), that money is paid toward another mother. As the mother cow continues to produce calves, the funds grow. Rural churches in western Kansas multiplied their missions dollars and now fund new church planters and missionaries in Kansas and Nebraska.

"If a Sunday School class or a church wants to put $1,000 toward missions and see that money multiply, they can buy a cow and we’ll place it," says Randy.

During its lifetime, a mama cow can produce about $5,000 in calves and, when sold at auction, fetch about $800. During the last three years, the association has placed more than 20 mama cows.

Here’s how you can get involved raising cattle for missions: HELP BUY A COW. Giving to Livestock 4 Missions is an investment almost guaranteed to grow. Often Sunday School classes, small or other groups within the church will join with other groups to buy a cow or contribute toward buying a cow. If you don’t own a cattle-raising farm, this is an excellent first step toward helping with this ministry.

HELP PLACE A COW. If you or someone you know is in the cattle raising business, you can help make space available for a missions cow. A rancher willing to do this invests in feeding and upkeep of the cow alongside his other livestock. This is the motor keeping Livestock 4 Missions working.

PRAY FOR THIS MINISTRY. The business model for Livestock 4 Missions relies upon the generosity of people to buy the cattle but more important on the ranchers who raise them. Pray for ranchers who are willing to give a little extra time and money to make this a self-sustaining mode of missions.

Are you interested in this unique missions opportunity? Visit Western Kansas Baptist Association on the web at or call 620-275-7223.
Reprinted by permission of On Mission Magazine (c) 2008


Nancy Lee said...

I love this idea!

Anonymous said...

What is currently going on on with this program? I think it is a great idea and would be very interested in knowing it's current performance.

bobby gilstrap said...

You'll want to contact the link to the association to get an update.